Lauralee M Green, Psychic Extraordinaire, 480-905-8433

$20 for each 15 minutes, by phone, Facetime, Zoom or in person

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The psychic readings are simple. You will be yourself and remember to breathe. I will tune into your vibration and share back with you what I receive. But if you have specific questions you can ask those. See below for a sample of what type of questions people may ask.

If you have no questions maybe you would like to know about a general category such as career, relationships, money, health, family, travel, past lives, people that have passed, possibilities for the future or a topic of your choice. I cannot predict the future but I can tell you possibilities of what could happen.

I can also tell you what is “on top” meaning what is strongest in your energy field and for your highest good. I can use Tarot cards if you request them but my specialty is clairvoyance. I see images, pictures, hear words, feel emotions, use smell and taste to pick up impressions about you. In other words, I am using all my psychic senses to do the reading.

Please find a quiet place and park your car before our session. Please do not bring pets or children to the session unless approved in advance. I want to give you the best reading and distractions can take away from the quality of your reading. I do read Tarot Cards but not by the definitions in the booklet that comes with the deck.

Sample Questions people have asked. This is a partial list.

– Why does my dog growl at me every time I leave the house?

– Why isn’t Bob calling me? I know he’s married!

– Will I get the job I am applying for at American Express?

– Will my sister sabotage the estate sale of our mother’s house?

– I want to change jobs. Is that a good thing or should I stay where I am for now?

– Should I ask my girlfriend to move in with me or would that upset our relationship too much?

– Why won’t my car start?

– I have diarrhea. What do I need to take to make this stop?

– I have two children and I want to have a third child, is that a good idea or not?

– Will I get the money back that my roommate borrowed from me?

– Will I ever get an Emmy award?

– What will I be the “greatest” at in my life?

– Will I marry someone wealthy?

– Did my dead mother make it to heaven and is she in pain anymore?

– Will my niece relocate back to Connecticut and if so, approximately when will that occur?

– Will my doctor husband win the current lawsuit against him?

– Will my son ever give up his excessive drinking?

– I’m traveling to India during the Christmas holiday, is the plane safe for my trip?

– Am I pregnant?

– Will the father of my child ever come back to me?

– Will I ever lose the 20 pounds I have gained?

– Is the graphics project I’m working on going to get approved by the client?

– Who broke into my storage locker? Describe them for me and will I get my stuff back?

– Will I ever be able to buy the black Charger car I desire?

– How long will my sister let me stay with her?

– My husband had a stroke. Should I push him to get out of the house to a facility?

– Will I be able to land a job at the nearby hospital?

– Is it a good thing to relocate to Maryland?

– Should I leave my husband or can we work it out?

– Why won’t my son respond to my text messages?

– Am I feeling well enough to fly to Tennessee?

– When will I be able to get my own place?

– Will I be healthy enough to travel to my second home next week?

– Should I return the running suit I bought or will I get enough use out of it to warrant the cost?

– Should I focus on selling my house over the next few years?

– Will I get paid the $40,000 salary I requested for the job I got hired for?

– Tell me about my children. Are they going to be successful in life?

– Will I be hired by the CIA or should I study Business in college?

– Is my wife messing around?

– We have known each other for 3 ½ years. Are we going to get married? Have children?

– Am I ever going to get back to Italy? Will I live there permanently if I do get back there?

– Was it right to end my relationship with Dan?

– Was there foul play in the death of my friend Denny who died in the house fire?

– Should I live here or in England?

– Was my son murdered or did he commit suicide?

End of Sample Questions

If you are looking for any of the following items then I am not the person to do your reading.

I do not do free readings – I will suggest you do an internet search for “free readings”.

I do not answer one question so you can test my accuracy. I will, however, answer questions about how I conduct the psychic readings. I’ve been doing this work for 30 years and know that accuracy is a combination of the psychic reader and the client.

I do not do email or text readings. Hearing impaired and deaf people can call using “relay”.

I do not predict when someone is going to die or pass over. That is up to the soul of the individual and when they are ready to pass.

I do not cast spells or curses.

I do not find lost loves nor can I make someone love you or return to you.

I do not do astrology or numerology or I Ching.

I do not read auras.

I do not read minds.

I do not diagnose or cure any health issues.

I do not find lost objects or lost pets.